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Festive Quinoa Salad with Pomegranate and Arugula

I needed a potluck recipe for an artsy x-mas get-together, and came across some inspiration browsing recipes online. I love to “mix and match”; meaning take a little of what I like from recipe A, and combine it with what I like from recipe B, etc. It’s also nice to make something a little different from what I usually make, particularly with a holiday around the corner. I doubled the recipe for the potluck, and chilled in the fridge for almost an hour before serving. It was a big hit! Hope you have a chance to feed it to your frenzy of family and friends at this year’s festivities.   ~Dr. Lisa Adams, ND 

Quinoa is a versatile grain that also happens to be gluten free! Although technically a seed, this pseudo grain still counts as a whole grain food and is packed with protein, fibre and minerals. Quinoa is the feature ingredient in this colourful and festive salad that is great for entertaining, potluck, or a side dish. It looks good, and tastes even better! You could substitute basil or parsley for the arugula if you’re not a fan, and pistachios if walnuts aren’t your favourite


·         1 cup raw quinoa

·         1 cup pomegranate seeds

·         2 cups roughly chopped arugula

·         1 firm apple, cored a chopped, skin on

·         ½ cup walnuts pieces or pistachios

·         ¾ cup feta cheese, crumbled

·         ½ cup dried cranberries


·         ¼ cup apple cider vinegar

·         1.5 tsp. Dijon mustard

·         1.5 Tbsp. maple syrup

·         1/8 cup cranberry juice

·         ½ cup olive oil

Makes 5-6 servings


1.      Cook quinoa as per package directions. Ideally make the day before or earlier in the day and chill in the fridge.

2.      Put all vinaigrette ingredients together, less the olive oil, and whisk or use a hand blender. Drizzle in olive oil and finish blending.

3.      Add the rest of ingredients together in a large bowl and toss

4.      Add vinaigrette and mix well.

5.      Chill for an hour before serving. Garnish with extra pomegranate seeds for extra flair!


For a pdf printable version of this recipe click here

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