Vegan / Vegetarian

13 Quick & Easy Meal + Snack Ideas using Pantry Staples

13 Quick & Easy Meal + Snack Ideas using Pantry Staples

This post is filled with our all-time favourite recipes focusing on non-perishable staples you are likely to find in your pantry. If you don’t have the ingredients on hand, chances are you’ll be able to find them easier at your local grocery store than fresh ingredients these days. Also, remember to substitute ingredients, as needed, to suit what is available. I always consider recipes as a starting point for inspiring new crave-worthy culinary creations and encourage you to do the same.

14 Scrumptious Summer Salads sans Lettuce!

14 Scrumptious Summer Salads sans Lettuce!

Who says salads are boring?! To be honest, though, when you hear salad you probably think of ice berg lettuce and a few veggies. So why not shake things up a little bit? Salads are a great vehicle to get more plant-based foods in your diet, so I thought I’d call on my dietitian colleagues to share their favourite salads, sans lettuce!

5 Easy Ways to Crave more Plant-Based Protein (Part 2)

5 Easy Ways to Crave more Plant-Based Protein (Part 2)

Now, you may be wondering, “How do I start a plant-based diet? Where do I even begin?” Not to worry, we have five simple tips to help you crave more plant-based proteins!

5 Ways Plant-Based Proteins Improve your Health & Performance (Part 1)

5 Ways Plant-Based Proteins Improve your Health & Performance (Part 1)

You may have noticed that plant-based eating seems to be the latest buzz in the world of nutrition and with good reason: more and more research shows the health benefits of eating a plant-based diet for both our health and the environment. Here are our top five reasons to make plant-based proteins part of your everyday meals and snacks!