Nutrition Myths

Let's Face the Fats! (Part 2) The Cooking Oil Conundrum

Let's Face the Fats! (Part 2) The Cooking Oil Conundrum

The different oils on the grocery store shelves are dizzying and with ever-changing nutrition advice, no wonder you are left scratching your head! I’d like to mention that you are not alone when it comes to being confused about which cooking oil is best for meal preparation. As I trek my way through my dietetic internship, I’ve stumbled across many different opinions from various health professionals, which made me even more confused. Hence my quest to learn the truth! Although it may not be as easy as 1+1 = 2, I will try my best to answer your questions (and mine too). 

Let’s Face the Fats! (Part 1)

Let’s Face the Fats! (Part 1)

Dietary fat has been a hot topic for years and if you grew up thinking fat was the devil during the low-fat craze of the 70s and 80s, you’re probably hella confused right now with this insanely popular ketogenic diet trend. Whether fat is completely discouraged (or encouraged), there’s a fine line between the good, the bad, and the ugly – so let’s face the facts about fat!